Beantown Bedding Illustrations

Fresh and so clean, clean

Beantown Bedding caters to the needs of busy college students by offering a range of disposable beddings, acknowledging the time constraints that come with hectic academic schedules. The product is depicted through illustrations that showcase the possibilities for students if they were liberated from the chore of laundry. Activities like exercising, binge-watching, and navigating the realm of dating apps represent just a few of the pursuits made feasible by the newfound free time. Meanwhile, targeted illustrations, splitting the bed to portray a messy side and a leisurely side over pristine bedding, are strategically designed to resonate with parents, underlining the convenience and practicality of Beantown Bedding for both students and their concerned families.

Design Challenge

To create a brand that will entice millenials to care about their bedsheets.


Zach Markell

Role / Execution

Illustrator/Art Director


Big Papi Farewell Campaign


The Vaccines Gig Poster